As my 2012 results showed, 2012 wasn't a great year for my Poker financial results, but had high hopes and expectations I could turn it around in 2013 by studying my game more and being more disciplined. Sadly 2013 was even worse results :)
Pokerstars : -$ 1832.13
Black Belt Poker: -$ 2086.10 (-£ 1268.72)
Live play : -£ 247.00
Live results (excluding UKIPT High Roller)
6 attempts at Reading Casino (2 cashes) -£47
1 attempt at Reading G Casino (1 bubble) -£30
1 attempt at Farnborough Poker club -£90
Cash game at Farnborough Poker club -£80
I tend to view the live games as a night out and try to make them last as long as possible. Cashing in 2 events from 8 tries is still pretty good and perhaps highlights a more relaxed attitude in a deep stack 9 seat tournament is probably the best way to go most of the time. I could have done a lot better if one or two flips had gone my way, so am pretty happy with my live performances.
Cash results (-$619.52 overall)
8 Game ($0.40) +$ 7.93
8 Game ($1.00) -$ 44.95
8 Game ($2.00) -$ 33.66
8 Game ($4.00) +$ 27.12
8 Game ($8.00) +$ 12.09
8 Game cash total -$31.47
NLHE Zoom ($0.25) 3 hands -$ 0.02
NLHE Zoom ($0.10) 1547 hands +$ 9.67
NLHE Mobile Zoom ($0.10) 214 hands -$46.04
NLHE cash total -$36.39
PLO Zoom ($0.10) 2135 hands -$ 78.40
PLO Zoom ($0.25) 1233 hands -$ 70.92
PLO Zoom ($0.50) 15433 hands +$ 104.17
PLO Zoom ($1.00) 844 hands -$ 386.55
PLO Cash total -$431.70
NLO8 Mobile Zoom ($0.02) 1285 hands -$ 14.24
NLO8 Mobile Zoom ($0.10) 539 hands -$ 120.56
NLO8 Zoom ($0.02) 210 hands -$ 7.22
NLO8 Zoom ($0.10) 1839 hands +$ 22.06
NLO8 Cash total -$ 119.96
Tournament Results (-$1212.86 overall)
EPT -$ 667.13
Passport (EPT) -$ 68.00
MicroMillions -$ 29.40
SCOOP -$ 90.10
TCOOP -$ 158.30
UKIPT -$ 12.73
WCOOP -$ 375.40
Other MTT +$ 173.80
Other STT +$ 14.40
8 Game wins/losses by game type for this year:
2-7 +$ 41.49
Limit HE +$ 32.26
Limit Omaha -$ 79.07
Razz -$ 74.92
Stud +$ 10.67
Stud HL +$ 183.38
NLHE -$ 64.04
PLO -$ 111.32
It seems my PLO and NLHE cash games have got worse since I dropped down! It also looks like Mobile Zoom is another big drain on my resources so must make sure I only play for fun in the micro stakes going forward. I'd like to play more 8 Game cash, as this looks pretty steady, concentrate on PLO on Pokerstars and try to get my results more consistent.
On the tournaments, my campaigns for EPT in particular but also for WCOOP and TCOOP were unproductive. I probably committed too much to EPT but did have some good games along the way. Next year I should probably focus more on MTT generally but keep to SCOOP and only commit a small budget to other festivals.
Cash results (-£ 880.66 overall)
NLHE Speed ($0.20) 3907 hands -$ 28.88
NLHE Speed ($0.50) 1953 hands -$ 101.01
NLHE speed ($1.00) 4233 hands -$ 715.79
NLHE ($0.20) 201 hands -$ 20.53
NLHE ($0.50) 165 hands +$ 2.06
NLHE ($1.00) 172 hands +$ 119.33
NLHE cash total -$744.82
PLO Zoom ($0.20) 531 hands -$ 91.33
PLO Zoom ($0.50) 1084 hands -$ 44.51
PLO Cash total -$135.84
Tournament Results (-£ 388.06 overall)
92x MTT +£ 35.24
STT: L4 step -£ 16.57
STT: Maui -£ 98.22
STT: Rio -£ 198.73
STT: others -£ 109.78
With BBP cash games, I crashed pretty spectacularly at the $1 level on SPEED, but otherwise wasn't too bad I guess.. Seems $0.20 level is the level I need to stay at for now, as only a tiny loss (down by only 1 buy in) The PLO was small sample, but looks like I was doing even worse than on Pokerstars for some reason. Think I need to stick to only $0.20 SPEED NLHE on BBP cash games from now on, if I play any cash on BBP at all
The tournaments weren't too bad as did a fair volume, but the STT didn't turn out as well as I would hope. If I play any BBP, will probably stick to just the MTTs
2014 Targets
With the new year I'm hoping to get back into a more normal monthly routine again, although will likely be a lower volume than 2013 due to time and bankroll constraints
My monthly targets will be:
- Play 400 cash hands on NLHE $0.10 6-max (1 table Speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 400 cash hands on PLO $0.10 6-max (1 table speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 8 MTT with target of breaking even (BBP and Pokerstars)
Strategic Objectives for 2014
* Break even on all cash games
* Play Mobile ZOOM only at $0.02 stakes and even then as little as possible
* Try to play MTT more regularly
* Commit less to the online festivals
January 2013
February 2013
March 2013
April 2013 Cash Challenge
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013
July 2013
August 2013
September 2013
October 2013
November 2013
December 2013