Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Poker: Financial results for May 2016


Monthly target was:
- Play 3 session of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even
- Play 10 STT with target of breaking even

Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars  :  +$ 1508.03
Live play   :  +£   46.00

Pokerstars results break down as follows:

Cash results   (-$ 4.00)
NLO8 Zoom     ($0.02)  255 hands  -$  4.00

Tournament Results (+$ 1512.03)
SCOOP           +$  116.39
EPT             +$ 1426.18
1x 18 seat MTT  -$    3.50
3x 24 seat MTT  -$   12.75  (1 cash)
1x other MTT    -$    5.50
1x 2 seat STT   +$    1.26  (1 cash)
5x 9 seat STT   -$   10.05  (1 cash) 

My SCOOP experiences are already documented at so won't dwell on that.   My EPT adventures are slightly unbelievable, I have for a long time wanted to play the EPT in Barcelona in particular.   I've been playing the satellites but have been cashing out if I get through.   Last night, the sat finished after the $550 event started, so I had to play it !   After 5 and a half hours, I was in the money and 2nd of 5 players left with 4 seats to win.  Sadly I realised I couldn't make the August dates of the EPT event, as seemed unclear if I could cash out (which in the end I found out I couldn't) so decided to "throw" the game to win the 1050.00 Euros.   However you look at it, my results this month (3 cashes) have been spectacular.  The fact it was all completely pointless as I couldn't play the main event is a bit daft, perhaps also reflecting my view of my chances of winning a seat :)    Might try for the EPT Malta in October though, I can definitely play that week ;)

June 2016 Targets will be:
- Play 3 session of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even
- Play 10 STT with target of breaking even

Strategic Objectives for 2016
*  Work more on my game to be able to break even on all cash games
*  Commit only to the TCOOP, SCOOP and MicroMillions online festivals
*  Only try EPTs when have got previous months profits


End of 2015
January results
February results
March results
April results