Monthly target was:
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even
- Play 10 STT with target of breaking even
Overall results for the month:-
Pokerstars : -$ 272.38
Live play : -£ 0.00
Pokerstars results break down as follows:
Cash results (-$ 126.64)
PLO Zoom ($0.25) 132 hands -$ 115.23
PLO Zoom ($0.02) 51 hands -$ 2.79
PLO ($0.05) 102 hands -$ 8.62
Tournament Results (-$ 145.74)
STT (-$ 86.17)
24x Holdem S'n'G (3 seat) -$ 19.00 (9 cashes)
7x Holdem (9 seat) -$ 24.67 (1 cash)
2x Max Spin'n'Go +$ 2.50 (1 cash)
2x SCOOP satellites -$ 45.00
MTT (-$ 59.57)
3x MTT -$ 11.32
5x SCOOP Main events +$ 23.25
11x SCOOP satellites -$ 71.50
My SCOOP campaign wasn't actually as bad as it seems. I managed to win my way into 2 high value tournaments and one lower value one, which would have cost much more than the $116.50 I spent trying to win my way in. Sadly my actual results for all the main events was not really all that close to the money. I did get to play for a total of 143 hours for my money and played 2 8-Game tourneys which is my favorite game (I did best in the first 8-Game tourney I played)
Other than SCOOP, I didn't play all that much. I decided to try a couple of sessions at higher levels of PLO cash, but that didn't work out as I hoped either. I dropped a total of 10 buyins which isn't too bad for a small sample maybe, but don't have the bankroll to keep playing at the higher level. For June, I will focus more on the 8-Game as my main cash game
June 2019 objectives:
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even
- Play 10 STT with target of breaking even
Strategic Objectives for 2019
* Get back to a more regular schedule of playing
* Commit only to the TCOOP, SCOOP and MicroMillions online festivals
* Only try Pokerstars Championship/EPT when have got previous months profits
For the months of February through May this year, I'm donating 50% of any Poker profits to Clare White who is fundraising for her charity but sadly, no extra cash this month either...
End of 2018
January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019