Saturday, June 30, 2012

Poker: Financial results for June 2012



My monthly targets are:
- Play 600 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50 Full Ring, 700 cash hands on PLO $0.50 6-max, all with target of breaking even
- Play 20 NLHE STT hoping for +10% ROI


Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars      :  -$ 173.26
Black Belt Poker:  -$  45.28 (-£29.58)
Live play       :  +£ 151.80

The summer months can get a bit fragmented, due to holidays, WSOP, and for June, trying to satellite into BBP Nottingham, so it's another slack month of Poker playing this month for me !!

On PokerStars I only managed 1x 8 Game STT, which I won for $8.95.  I also had one quick session of Budugi, just to see what it was like.  It's not a bad game, seemingly similar to 2-7 lowball, netting me -$0.95 for my experience.  The bulk of my play was 8 Game cash...  8 session of $2 saw a loss of -$105.65 and 2 sessions of $4 was a loss of -$75.61

Rolling 3 month total for 8 game cash is -$46.48

Although I missed a couple of sessions in these stats, I started analysing my results in more detail, so have identified my wins/losses by game type as below
2-7         19.07
Limit HE   -22.28
Omaha HL     7.29
Razz       -25.51
Stud       -62.83
Stud HL    -34.36
NL HE      -49.59
PLO         18.07

Fortunately my live Play was a little more successful, managing a 2nd place for profit of £151.80   This could easily have been a first place, but for a couple of cooler hands, but was lucky enough times on the final table to be overall very happy with the result.

Again this month, I played little on BBP, the results break down as follows:

Cash results (+£12.32 overall)
NL Hold' em ($0.50)  743 hands   -£11.00
PLO8        ($0.20)  161 hands   +£23.32

Tournament Results (-£41.90 profit overall)

10x MTT           +£ 2.30
2x   2 seat STT   -£ 0.70
3x   6 seat STT   -£ 6.72
6x  10 seat STT   -£36.78


I've been spending my available time playing as many sats to BBP Live as I could find.... so considering that, I don't think I did too badly.   I got lucky in the BBP League game to take my MTT into profit, and didn't play enough STT to really get a good sample.   My BBP cash is still around break even for NL HE and even my PLO8 game was looking OK this month.    My 8 Game cash on PokerStars was a little disappointing.   At least now I have some firm facts on what I need to improve on.  My Stud is my weakest game, which I knew... but just didn't know by how much!   Stud HL is also pretty poor.   The other results are kind of OK...  with NLHE and PLO both being quite low hand volumes, I am hopeful those numbers will improve more over the coming months.    The Limit Hold' em was a bit of a surprise, but my sessions have tended to be a bit swingy, with both my $4 sessions being particularly poor.


July will be more "normal", although plan to play at least one more BBP Notts Live sat... and am away for a week on hols.... OK, so might be a little down on my numbers again :)

Performance against 2012 targets

* Keep to my revised Poker Plan
Didn't achieve the numbers for Cash games in June, due to fragmentation

* Play BBP London Live and UKIPT Brighton tournaments
Looking forward to the next BBP Live event at DTD in August.

* Aim for break even month on month on all cash tables
NLHE near enough, PLO near enough, PLO8 getting there

* Use learning tools and resources to learn and improve my NLHE, Omaha and PLO8 cash and tournament play
Am putting in the effort to do some learning.

* Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
Managed it this month !

* Win a BBP league :-)
After six legs in League XV.   Currently 25th overall.   73 points away from 9th

January 2012 results
February 2012 results
March 2012 results
April 2012 results
May 2012 results

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