Sunday, June 03, 2012

Poker: Financial Results for May 2012



My monthly targets are:
- Play 600 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50 Full Ring, 700 cash hands on PLO $0.50 6-max, all with target of breaking even
- Play 20 NLHE STT hoping for +10% ROI


Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars      :  +$ 110.36
Black Belt Poker:  +$ 144.07 (+£94.12)
Live play       :  +£ 0

May was always going to be about my Pokerstars SCOOP games.  I have already summarised my SCOOP activities, so won't repeat here.   In May itself, the SCOOP accounted for $110.36 profit and other activities gave $38.34 loss.   Out of these activities,  game cash was fairly consistant, providing $21.68 profit

Rolling 3 month total for 8 game cash is +$134.74

I played very little on BBP this month, for what it's worth, the results break down as follows:

Cash results (+£0.14 overall)
NL Hold' em ($0.10)  3 hands   +£ 0.14

This was just a test run for my newly purchased mobile broadband, so wasnt a serious session!

Tournament Results (+£93.98 profit overall)

3x MTT            +£ 65.57
2x   2 seat STT   -£ 13.09
1x   6 seat STT   +£  0.31
3x  10 seat STT   +£ 41.19


May was always going to be SCOOP related, so not worried about the results really.  Definately had a great time playing all the games and it is always nice to cash in the big tournaments.   Had a lot of run good this month, so hope it follows through into next month as well !


June is more or less back to my normal poker schedule, although will be trying to qualify through sats for Nottingham Live II

Performance against 2012  targets

* Keep to my revised Poker Plan
Didn't achieve the numbers for Cash games in May, due to focusing on SCOOP

* Play BBP London Live and UKIPT Brighton tournaments
BBP Live was fun, and am now excitedly looking forward to the next BBP Live event at DTD in August.

* Aim for break even month on month on all cash tables
NLHE near enough, PLO yes

* Use learning tools and resources to learn and improve my NLHE, Omaha and PLO8 cash and tournament play
Am putting in the effort to do some learning, PLO8 is the main worry at the moment but also need to improve PLO as well.

* Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
Managed it this month !

* Win a BBP league :-)
Reasonable start after two legs in League XV.   Currently 18th overall.

January 2012 results
February 2012 results
March 2012 results
April 2012 results

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