Sunday, February 02, 2014

Poker: Financial results for January 2014


Monthly target was:
- Play 300 hands of cash on NLHE $0.10 6-max (1 table Speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 300 cash hands on PLO $0.10 6-max (1 table speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even  (Pokerstars)
- Play 12 MTT/STT with target of breaking even (BBP)

Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars      :  +$   7.45
Black Belt Poker:  +$ 369.32  (+£224.67)
Live play       :  -£  60.00

Pokerstars results break down as follows:

Cash results (+$ 9.65 overall)
8 Game           ($0.40)              +$ 10.25
NLHE Zoom        ($0.10)   414 hands  +$ 24.05
PLO Zoom         ($0.10)   420 hands  -$ 24.65

Tournament Results (-$ 2.20 overall)
1x 8 Game MTT    -$ 2.20

8 Game wins/losses by game type for this month: 
2-7         1.83
Limit HE    -1.66
Ohl         1.53
Razz         1.99
Stud         3.82
Stud HL        -3.46
NLHE          0.88
PLO         5.32

BBP results break down as follows:

Cash results (-£ 0.00 overall)

Tournament Results (-£ 220.52 overall)
1x  STT (Maui)      -£   3.65 
14x  MTT            +£ 224.17
   Cashed 2 from 10 "Barry" MTT
   Cashed 2 from 3 $1500 GTD

Last year was actually my "Annus Horribilis" being the worse year for results ever!   Having said that, I feel I've been playing pretty well and/or improving overall and just hope that 2014 will be my breakthrough year

It seems to have started fairly solidly, just need to make sure I keep up the concentration and focus more on quality than quantity.  I have also been a bit stricter about not playing when I'm feeling tired/stressed this month and that seems to have helped as well.

For the live game, I decided to go to Farnborough for my live game this month, as the Reading casinos have changed their schedules and wasn't keen on them.   As it happens, I crashed out early, but despite managing to call all-in on the river with top pair vs straight flush (!!) felt I was playing well and re-bought in.... eventually finishing 8th from 50 entries (5 paid)  Was enjoyable evening out, with decent chance of cashing, so overall a good result

Pokerstars I managed to play the expected number of sessions/hands and overall managed my breakeven target.  One very poor PLO session saw my results worse than they perhaps should have been.

For Black Belt, I have been concentrating on the "Barry" 30 seat turbo SNG and the $1500 GTD tournament, as these suit my timescales and budget.   This month I was lucky (and/or good :) ) and managed to cash more than expected for a great result.

February 2014 Targets

I hope to be back to my "normal" routine in February, so my monthly target for February will be:
- Play 400 cash hands on NLHE $0.10 6-max (1 table Speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 400 cash hands on PLO  $0.10 6-max (1 table speed) with target of breaking even (Pokerstars)
- Play 2 sessions of 8 Game cash with target of breaking even  (Pokerstars)
- Play 8 MTT with target of breaking even (BBP and Pokerstars)

Strategic Objectives for 2014
*  Break even on all cash games
*  Play Mobile ZOOM only at $0.02 stakes and even then as little as possible
*  Try to play MTT more regularly
*  Commit less to the online festivals

End of 2013 review