Saturday, June 30, 2012

Poker: Financial results for June 2012



My monthly targets are:
- Play 600 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50 Full Ring, 700 cash hands on PLO $0.50 6-max, all with target of breaking even
- Play 20 NLHE STT hoping for +10% ROI


Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars      :  -$ 173.26
Black Belt Poker:  -$  45.28 (-£29.58)
Live play       :  +£ 151.80

The summer months can get a bit fragmented, due to holidays, WSOP, and for June, trying to satellite into BBP Nottingham, so it's another slack month of Poker playing this month for me !!

On PokerStars I only managed 1x 8 Game STT, which I won for $8.95.  I also had one quick session of Budugi, just to see what it was like.  It's not a bad game, seemingly similar to 2-7 lowball, netting me -$0.95 for my experience.  The bulk of my play was 8 Game cash...  8 session of $2 saw a loss of -$105.65 and 2 sessions of $4 was a loss of -$75.61

Rolling 3 month total for 8 game cash is -$46.48

Although I missed a couple of sessions in these stats, I started analysing my results in more detail, so have identified my wins/losses by game type as below
2-7         19.07
Limit HE   -22.28
Omaha HL     7.29
Razz       -25.51
Stud       -62.83
Stud HL    -34.36
NL HE      -49.59
PLO         18.07

Fortunately my live Play was a little more successful, managing a 2nd place for profit of £151.80   This could easily have been a first place, but for a couple of cooler hands, but was lucky enough times on the final table to be overall very happy with the result.

Again this month, I played little on BBP, the results break down as follows:

Cash results (+£12.32 overall)
NL Hold' em ($0.50)  743 hands   -£11.00
PLO8        ($0.20)  161 hands   +£23.32

Tournament Results (-£41.90 profit overall)

10x MTT           +£ 2.30
2x   2 seat STT   -£ 0.70
3x   6 seat STT   -£ 6.72
6x  10 seat STT   -£36.78


I've been spending my available time playing as many sats to BBP Live as I could find.... so considering that, I don't think I did too badly.   I got lucky in the BBP League game to take my MTT into profit, and didn't play enough STT to really get a good sample.   My BBP cash is still around break even for NL HE and even my PLO8 game was looking OK this month.    My 8 Game cash on PokerStars was a little disappointing.   At least now I have some firm facts on what I need to improve on.  My Stud is my weakest game, which I knew... but just didn't know by how much!   Stud HL is also pretty poor.   The other results are kind of OK...  with NLHE and PLO both being quite low hand volumes, I am hopeful those numbers will improve more over the coming months.    The Limit Hold' em was a bit of a surprise, but my sessions have tended to be a bit swingy, with both my $4 sessions being particularly poor.


July will be more "normal", although plan to play at least one more BBP Notts Live sat... and am away for a week on hols.... OK, so might be a little down on my numbers again :)

Performance against 2012 targets

* Keep to my revised Poker Plan
Didn't achieve the numbers for Cash games in June, due to fragmentation

* Play BBP London Live and UKIPT Brighton tournaments
Looking forward to the next BBP Live event at DTD in August.

* Aim for break even month on month on all cash tables
NLHE near enough, PLO near enough, PLO8 getting there

* Use learning tools and resources to learn and improve my NLHE, Omaha and PLO8 cash and tournament play
Am putting in the effort to do some learning.

* Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
Managed it this month !

* Win a BBP league :-)
After six legs in League XV.   Currently 25th overall.   73 points away from 9th

January 2012 results
February 2012 results
March 2012 results
April 2012 results
May 2012 results

Friday, June 08, 2012

Poker: Home Tourney–June 2012


Ten players took to the newly purchased purpose built Poker tables for the £10 special

The first two levels were fairly relaxed but I managed to drop down to around 2k from the 3k starting stacks.   Sean on my right got pretty low on chips, but  although I was ahead both times, managed to get him all-in but then he hit the flop and doubled up in quick succession.    At the break, no one needed their 2nd chance, so everyone had decent amount of chips as we recommenced.

Sean limped UTG.  Deciding I want to get it heads up, I make a pot raise and plan works as only Sean calls.   The Q-J-9 flop could be good for me, but then Sean leads out for 3/4 pot.   Dwelling up and considering the possible hands he could have, I convince myself he has me beat and show my A-A when folding.  Luckily he shows Q-J else I might have been thinking about that fold even now !

I’ve taking a bit of a pasting and am just below 3k chips, with average 6k.   I can’t remember the exact hand now, but Jock makes a min raise and I decide to defend my BB with something like Th-7h.  The flop came K-7-5 and I check then make a loose call on the flop, not thinking I’m ahead but hoping to improve or take the pot down.   Luckily I improve with T on the turn and decide to shove as it’s only just over the pot.   Jock calls with K-9 and the blank river doubles me up and puts me back in the hunt.

Soon after, I get into another confrontation with Sean, this time my A-x holds against Sean’s K-x and I’m looking in good shape now

Couple of hands later, Alex is busted out on the other table and we are down to our final table

With the average chips 7.5k, I have around 10k and am on the button.   Jock is one of the short stacks and limps UTG.  With it folding round to me, I nearly fold my Q-To but at the last minute decide to limp, along with Andy and Jon in the blinds.   The flop is all low and we all check round.   The T on the turn looks good for me, especially as it checks round again, so put out a bet.  Andy and Jon fold, but Jock shoves.   Whilst he could have me well beat, it’s not much more to call and am happy to see Jock has A-x and missed.  The river was also a brick, so I build up my stack and we’re down to 7 players

Things settle down for a while, but the blinds are getting significant now.     

Jon is the short stack and shoves.  Andy in the blind dwells up and decides to call, showing 7-6h against Jon’s A-To   The first card out is a 6 and with nothing to help Jon he is taken out.  As Andy predicted, he wasn’t happy to be taken out in such a way either Smile

The chip average is now 10k and I have around 14k.   Lee has been fairly active recently, and makes another min raise from UTG.   I’ve got 6-6 and decide to 3 bet, but Lee shoves all-in and has me covered.    I was planning for him to fold with air, or call with A-x type hands, so believe he must have better pair and fold.   Lee shows A-A to my relief !

Few hands later I’m raising with A-x and Darren calls.   I miss the flop and he bet’s out so I have to believe I’m behind and fold again.  My stack has taken a beating just when it’s getting expensive, so am down to around 6k now,  about 10 big blinds, so am in shove or fold territory

Bill is the short stack now and the blinds have just gone to 1000/500 so he shoves his 2.8k UTG.   I’m on the button with 2-2 and decide that as Bill’s shoving range is pretty wide, and can afford to loose, it’s worth the risk to take him on, expecting a flip.   I need to isolate, so shove as well.   Sadly Darren doesn’t insta-fold and starts working out where he’s at.   In the end he decides to call and I know I’m in deep trouble….. confirmed when Darren shows T-T and Bill shows J-J      Bill’s Jacks hold up, tripling him up and Darren takes me out in 6th

The average stack is 12k and the blinds have gone up to 2k/1k.   It’s Lee who is short now and Blind vs Blind shoves on Bill who duly calls.  Lee’s A-x is way ahead of Bill’s 8-6 but Bill hits the flop and Lee is 5th place finisher

Bill and Karen clash, with Karen’s A-Q holding against Bill A-8, but a few hands later, Bill’s A-K is dominating Karen’s A-4h and Bill has got his chips back.

With short stacks and big blinds, Karen goes all-in pre flop, then Bill and andy get all-in on K-Q-Q flop.   Andy has K-x, Bill has flush draw and Karen need’s to hit A.   The Q turn takes Bill out, and the blank river gives Andy all the chips and we have Darren and Andy heads up again… and Andy has significant chip lead again….!!

The heads up battle is quite active, with lots of checking on flops and turns, then betting on the river, Andy was letting Darren in cheap who was hitting rivers and managed to double up, then take another big pot… allowing him to get the slight chip lead.       In the end, Andy has Qc-6s and Darren Th-8h with Q-T-x flop there is a bet and call…. the turn comes 8 and again a bet and call, then the T on the river has potential for flushes as well as full houses but Andy goes all-in and Darren gladly calls and takes another victory

Phew, it’s been a hectic and exciting game and am glad of the early finish Smile

Next month is 2nd Thursday due to holidays, so have a nice long rest and will see you next time

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Poker: Financial Results for May 2012



My monthly targets are:
- Play 600 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50 Full Ring, 700 cash hands on PLO $0.50 6-max, all with target of breaking even
- Play 20 NLHE STT hoping for +10% ROI


Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars      :  +$ 110.36
Black Belt Poker:  +$ 144.07 (+£94.12)
Live play       :  +£ 0

May was always going to be about my Pokerstars SCOOP games.  I have already summarised my SCOOP activities, so won't repeat here.   In May itself, the SCOOP accounted for $110.36 profit and other activities gave $38.34 loss.   Out of these activities,  game cash was fairly consistant, providing $21.68 profit

Rolling 3 month total for 8 game cash is +$134.74

I played very little on BBP this month, for what it's worth, the results break down as follows:

Cash results (+£0.14 overall)
NL Hold' em ($0.10)  3 hands   +£ 0.14

This was just a test run for my newly purchased mobile broadband, so wasnt a serious session!

Tournament Results (+£93.98 profit overall)

3x MTT            +£ 65.57
2x   2 seat STT   -£ 13.09
1x   6 seat STT   +£  0.31
3x  10 seat STT   +£ 41.19


May was always going to be SCOOP related, so not worried about the results really.  Definately had a great time playing all the games and it is always nice to cash in the big tournaments.   Had a lot of run good this month, so hope it follows through into next month as well !


June is more or less back to my normal poker schedule, although will be trying to qualify through sats for Nottingham Live II

Performance against 2012  targets

* Keep to my revised Poker Plan
Didn't achieve the numbers for Cash games in May, due to focusing on SCOOP

* Play BBP London Live and UKIPT Brighton tournaments
BBP Live was fun, and am now excitedly looking forward to the next BBP Live event at DTD in August.

* Aim for break even month on month on all cash tables
NLHE near enough, PLO yes

* Use learning tools and resources to learn and improve my NLHE, Omaha and PLO8 cash and tournament play
Am putting in the effort to do some learning, PLO8 is the main worry at the moment but also need to improve PLO as well.

* Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
Managed it this month !

* Win a BBP league :-)
Reasonable start after two legs in League XV.   Currently 18th overall.

January 2012 results
February 2012 results
March 2012 results
April 2012 results

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Holiday: Isle of Wight

Neither of us remembered going to Isle of Wight before, and Lynn really wanted to visit Osborne House, so booked ourselves on a week holiday to…..  yes, you guessed…. the Isle of Wight Smile

Saturday 26th May

Left home at 10:20am, in plenty of time to arrive half hour before our 12:30pm Ferry to Fishbourne.    Unfortunately the M3 was horrendous traffic and was a slight worry to get there on time, but M27 was clear so we arrived at the expected midday time…. only to find the ferries were running half hour late anyway Smile  Oh well, can relax now


Once on the Island, found the apartment in Ryde easily enough and was very nice.  The owners had provided tea, coffee, milk and bread but more importantly we are situated right on the sea front and had wonderful view over the sea to the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth.  The weather was wonderfully hot and sunny as well, so all looking well for a great holiday


Once unpacked, we went to Tesco and bought a load of supplies to make us feel at home, then went out for a walk along the Promenade and had our first Ice Cream Smile

Was very hot and sunny, but quite windy.   After a quick explore of the town, ended up at the local chippy and had chips for tea, sitting on a park bench.  After another walk along the front, we were worn out already so back to the apartment to ascent the stairs to the top floor

Sunday 27th May

Up for breakfast about 8:30am, which is a little earlier than at home !

Greased up for the planned day on the beach as it’s blazing hot and sunny again, getting on beach by 10am.   Not so windy today, so very hot.  Back to apartment for welcome lunch break and watched Monaco GP as well Smile


Back for another sunbathing session around 3pm until Ice Cream time then back to apartment for shower and change before going on quest to find our dinner.   As Lynn fancied Sunday Roast, ended up in Weatherspoon’s pub.  Needed another walk after to wear off the large portions


Monday 28th May

Up 8:30am and on Beach by 10am again, as it’s Sunny and Hot !


Lynn got a bit sun weary by lunchtime, so had to sit in shade and have nice cup of tea, before walking back for our lunch.

Did go out for another session in the afternoon, although sat on grass in the shade rather than on the beach this time.

Had another walk as its getting a bit windier towards 5pm then back to get ready for our dinner.   Went to Joe’s in Union Street.   Waitress was efficient, but kitchen wasn’t as 40min wait for food despite not many people in the restaurant !   Also the seasonal veg was a bit disappointing, which was a shame as the main meal itself was very good & fresh.


Tuesday 29th May

Woke up to another sunny day.  Had decided to go to Osborne House today.   Got there about 10:30am and went round house first, was very busy with tourists but impressive place to see.  Walked around the garden and had lunch in the gardens at the Swiss Cottage.   After a nice cup of tea in the tea room there, walked back to see the walled garden.  


Went on to East Cowes and walked round.  Not much there to see, so had Cream Tea and even I felt a bit sick after Smile


Had to have a walk around to wear off some of the excess, then back via Tesco again, as decided to eat in tonight, needing something light to eat after all that clotted cream

Happily I still got to play in Black Belt Poker league game tonight, coming second out of 113 players so worth the effort

Wednesday 20th May

Woke up to fog horns !   Looks like will get brighter but looking out the window, can hardly see the beach across the road…

Luckily today is our “Island Attractions” day, so are planning to take in as many touristy spots as we can.

Started out 10am heading for Goddards Brewery but SatNav malfunctioned and were heading down an unmade road with no confidence in where we were heading, so turned back and headed for our 2nd planned stop, the Lifeboat station at Bembridge.  Sadly, the road closures thwarted us this time so abandoned and headed for Brading instead… hoping the town hasn’t moved or closed or something (the way our luck seemed to be going!)  Happily we got there safely, depite more SatNav issues and went to the Lilliput Antique Dolls & Toys Museum.       We did have trouble finding a Tea Room, so had our coffee in one of the pubs


Having rebooted the SatNav, seems to be working OK now, so managed to get to Sandown Esplanade and had our packed lunch.  


Was spitting slightly so sat in shelter on the sea front, but was getting sunny again by the time we’d finished.  Then had walk along high street before moving onto Shanklin.  


Went along the Esplanade then worked our way along the High Street where you couldn’t move for Tea Shops, so seemed like a good time to have Tea and Cake Smile


After walking along the High Street, went onto Ventnor.  This followed a familiar pattern of walking along the Esplanade, then finding the High Street…. this time having Ice Cream. 



Next stop was the Isle of Wight Glass studio.    Had to go down unmade road and was a bit worried about my ground clearance and tyres in several places, but made it there by 4:30pm   The glass blowing itself had stopped at 4pm and the shop was tiny and didn’t seem to have much in it, so really wasn’t worth the bother in the end Sad smile

On the way back to Ryde, we did stop off in Godshill and as luck would have it, Chocolate Island was still open Smile Now here is a place that is worth the effort to go to…. ended up spending over £25… yes, just on chocolate !!


Everything else was shut, so headed back… stopping off for Dinner at Flemming Arms pub in Binstead.   Was decent enough meal and good value.


Thursday 31st May

Woke up to cloudy but warm and bright day.   Plan is “Steam and Shop” day today

Out at 9:45am, with our first stop the Railway Heritage Museum  Spent a pleasant morning riding up and down the train line on a steam train, then had our packed lunch at the picnic tables in the station grounds.


Ended up skipping Newport shopping and instead popped into Military History Museum on way to Cowes.   Walked all round Cowes and got bit worn out!  


Stopped off for lovely meal in GastroPub “The Fishbourne” at Fishbourne (right by the Ferry Terminal)


Friday 1st June

As it’s our last day,  I wanted to have a relaxing day with no driving, so planned a “Lounging Locally” day

Woke up late, not even getting breakfast until 11am!!

Went for walk up Ryde High Street, actually for the first time with the shops open !    Had our lunch on the sea front, but as it started looking like rain, went back to the apartment for cup of tea


Put car into car wash as was filthy (mostly due to me not washing it since about last September  Smile ) and had walk along front whilst waiting for it to be done.  


Was lovely and clean when picked it up, so went for walk along coast and had celebratory cup of tea.   Ended up at “Long John Eater” as I fancied Ham, egg & Chips (which was very nice)

Saturday 2nd June

We were meant to be out the room by 10am and on 11am Ferry, so up nice and early to breakfast, pack and go.    Got let onto the 10:30am Ferry, so nice easy journey home.


It’s always nice to get home after being away, but was a little sad as we both had a lovely time.   I think we would go back for another holiday in the future, as lots to see and do… even if it’s just laying on the beach and lazing around.