Friday, October 15, 2010

Poker: BBP Grading III

I was quite excited to hear about another “Grading” at Black Belt Poker.   This is the process I went through earlier in the year and was very worthwhile (if slightly expensive) education into Poker and all it’s doings.


The timing seemed right as everything has settled down, and had money in my “Poker Fund” to “spend” and Lynn was happy for me to take the time to play the 4 hours a night required !

I have just finished the Pre-Grading stage, where I needed to play 10’000 cash game hands within 10 days.   Although I managed to finish in 7 days, the last three days were very poor for me and dropped over £700 in total !    Whilst this is a small fortune, it was money set aside for Poker but I never really thought  I would have to spend it !     Having spent a week playing cash games, I decided to have a couple of Single Table Tournaments as a welcome change.   Something must’ve helped me as I won both games…

It seems my destiny is not following the Cash game path, so will not be taking up the full Grading, even if it were offered to me.  

So, it’s back to my natural hunting ground of STT and MTT tournaments.   I do want to ensure I keep improving my game so will be putting together a cunning plan as to how I will approach my game going forward…..

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