Friday, June 08, 2012

Poker: Home Tourney–June 2012


Ten players took to the newly purchased purpose built Poker tables for the £10 special

The first two levels were fairly relaxed but I managed to drop down to around 2k from the 3k starting stacks.   Sean on my right got pretty low on chips, but  although I was ahead both times, managed to get him all-in but then he hit the flop and doubled up in quick succession.    At the break, no one needed their 2nd chance, so everyone had decent amount of chips as we recommenced.

Sean limped UTG.  Deciding I want to get it heads up, I make a pot raise and plan works as only Sean calls.   The Q-J-9 flop could be good for me, but then Sean leads out for 3/4 pot.   Dwelling up and considering the possible hands he could have, I convince myself he has me beat and show my A-A when folding.  Luckily he shows Q-J else I might have been thinking about that fold even now !

I’ve taking a bit of a pasting and am just below 3k chips, with average 6k.   I can’t remember the exact hand now, but Jock makes a min raise and I decide to defend my BB with something like Th-7h.  The flop came K-7-5 and I check then make a loose call on the flop, not thinking I’m ahead but hoping to improve or take the pot down.   Luckily I improve with T on the turn and decide to shove as it’s only just over the pot.   Jock calls with K-9 and the blank river doubles me up and puts me back in the hunt.

Soon after, I get into another confrontation with Sean, this time my A-x holds against Sean’s K-x and I’m looking in good shape now

Couple of hands later, Alex is busted out on the other table and we are down to our final table

With the average chips 7.5k, I have around 10k and am on the button.   Jock is one of the short stacks and limps UTG.  With it folding round to me, I nearly fold my Q-To but at the last minute decide to limp, along with Andy and Jon in the blinds.   The flop is all low and we all check round.   The T on the turn looks good for me, especially as it checks round again, so put out a bet.  Andy and Jon fold, but Jock shoves.   Whilst he could have me well beat, it’s not much more to call and am happy to see Jock has A-x and missed.  The river was also a brick, so I build up my stack and we’re down to 7 players

Things settle down for a while, but the blinds are getting significant now.     

Jon is the short stack and shoves.  Andy in the blind dwells up and decides to call, showing 7-6h against Jon’s A-To   The first card out is a 6 and with nothing to help Jon he is taken out.  As Andy predicted, he wasn’t happy to be taken out in such a way either Smile

The chip average is now 10k and I have around 14k.   Lee has been fairly active recently, and makes another min raise from UTG.   I’ve got 6-6 and decide to 3 bet, but Lee shoves all-in and has me covered.    I was planning for him to fold with air, or call with A-x type hands, so believe he must have better pair and fold.   Lee shows A-A to my relief !

Few hands later I’m raising with A-x and Darren calls.   I miss the flop and he bet’s out so I have to believe I’m behind and fold again.  My stack has taken a beating just when it’s getting expensive, so am down to around 6k now,  about 10 big blinds, so am in shove or fold territory

Bill is the short stack now and the blinds have just gone to 1000/500 so he shoves his 2.8k UTG.   I’m on the button with 2-2 and decide that as Bill’s shoving range is pretty wide, and can afford to loose, it’s worth the risk to take him on, expecting a flip.   I need to isolate, so shove as well.   Sadly Darren doesn’t insta-fold and starts working out where he’s at.   In the end he decides to call and I know I’m in deep trouble….. confirmed when Darren shows T-T and Bill shows J-J      Bill’s Jacks hold up, tripling him up and Darren takes me out in 6th

The average stack is 12k and the blinds have gone up to 2k/1k.   It’s Lee who is short now and Blind vs Blind shoves on Bill who duly calls.  Lee’s A-x is way ahead of Bill’s 8-6 but Bill hits the flop and Lee is 5th place finisher

Bill and Karen clash, with Karen’s A-Q holding against Bill A-8, but a few hands later, Bill’s A-K is dominating Karen’s A-4h and Bill has got his chips back.

With short stacks and big blinds, Karen goes all-in pre flop, then Bill and andy get all-in on K-Q-Q flop.   Andy has K-x, Bill has flush draw and Karen need’s to hit A.   The Q turn takes Bill out, and the blank river gives Andy all the chips and we have Darren and Andy heads up again… and Andy has significant chip lead again….!!

The heads up battle is quite active, with lots of checking on flops and turns, then betting on the river, Andy was letting Darren in cheap who was hitting rivers and managed to double up, then take another big pot… allowing him to get the slight chip lead.       In the end, Andy has Qc-6s and Darren Th-8h with Q-T-x flop there is a bet and call…. the turn comes 8 and again a bet and call, then the T on the river has potential for flushes as well as full houses but Andy goes all-in and Darren gladly calls and takes another victory

Phew, it’s been a hectic and exciting game and am glad of the early finish Smile

Next month is 2nd Thursday due to holidays, so have a nice long rest and will see you next time

1 comment:

Free Bets UK said...

Entertaining article. You make poker seem very enticing for the readers. Good job!