Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Computers: New Dell running Vista!

I am very excited right now ! I have more or less got my new Dell PC running!

It has 300 GB disk, 4 GB ram and is runnign Vista Home Premium. I went for the 24" widescreen screen and indulged myself with the Soundblaster Xtreame sound and wireless mouse. It flies and is really fantastic !

The "gadgets" feature in Vista is really cool, but otherwise is more or less a new skin for XP (so far as I can tell right now anyway) Google earth satallite images look fantastic as well, so far really glad I bought it

I took the picture of my desk just to test how easy it is to upload pictures.... but I think it looks good too !

I installed and played game of Poker on Poker Stars just now.... hasnt improved my network connection as it dropped just as I was putting a raise in with A4 on a TT4 flop.... after NTL (sorry, I mean Virgin!) dropped the line, I got connection just in time to see another 4 on the turn (after my hand was folded) so would have won a sizeable pot with my full house..... in the end my AK suited lost out to A6 suited when a 6 came on the flop, so my luck hasnt improved either....

Oh well, never mind.... the graphics look fantastic even when you loose

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