Saturday, April 30, 2011

Poker: Financial results for April 2011

April was always going to be an awkward month, but turned out a bit more awkward that I expected!



My monthly targets are:
- Play 1000 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50, 1000 cash hands on PLO $0.20 and 500 cash hands of PLO8 $0.20 (all 6-max) with profit target of 2 BB per hour. ($16.00 for NLHE, $6.40 for PLO, $3.20 for PLO8 = $25.60 per month)
- Play 20 STT hoping for 10% ROI (around $20 per month)


Overall results for the month :

PokerStars - $114.39
BBP - $432.39 (-£269.54)
Live play -£193.13

Comparing to April 2010, I had only lost $18.76 in total, although I played very little in April last year, so probably not a fair comparison

My live games have already been discussed in previous articles, London Live, Farnborough and Casino trip so won’t dwell on those, but these results fall in line with expectations.

My Pokerstars activities were meant to all be SCOOP related this month, but in the end probably spent more time looking for and waiting on a SCOOP Satellite than actually playing ! In the end only played 2 satellite’s, getting close first time but not getting anywhere in the second. In my frustration ended up deciding to try and spin up my bankroll, but ended up loosing $66 playing NLHE cash, dropping $56 playing 12 STT (with several horrid bad beats!) but my MTT were a little better with a profit of $12 and my normal “8 game” game’s showed a $4 loss over 6 games.

The breakdown of my BBP results for April 2011 :

Cash results (£185.81 loss overall)
NLHE ($0.50) 1054 hands +£10.23
NLHE ($1.00) 107 hands -£142.75
PLO ($0.20) 608 hands -£53.29

Tournaments (£83.73 loss overall)
6x MTT -£ 33.52
13x 2 seat STT +£ 19.09
13x 6 seat STT -£27.45
1x 9 seat STT -£16.64
7x 10 seat STT -£ 25.21


I was very ill disciplined on my Pokerstars activities but that was a bit of a one-off so am happy to ignore my poor performance on the NLHE games.

Umm, hold on a moment… where did all those $1 NLHE cash hands come from ? Smile I wasn’t meant to be playing any $1 anymore !! OK so I had a couple of unexpected $1 cash sessions…. so obviously need to plug that leak! The $0.50 was actually break even, which is pretty pleasing so just need to carry on with that as is. The PLO is very patchy still but am feeling quite comfortable with my learning process and just need to tighten up my calling on the river when beat!

Royal Wedding day was my worse single day loss since the last Grading in October last year…. can’t really blame anyone but myself though, as was mostly by playing $1 Cash !

I didn’t play a huge number of tournaments so not a big sample to make any firm conclusions, but pretty comfortable with my performance overall


Definitely will be sticking rigidly to 8 game and special events such as SCOOP in the future for Pokerstars. May will obviously be all about SCOOP but will only end up playing 3 or 4 games, due to the change of times making several of my planned games a bit inconvenient.

BBP I need to stick to my plan a bit better…. although May will also be a bit disjointed due to Kitchen being refitted, days off, bank holiday weekends and playing the SCOOP games… but hope it will stay more or less on track in May!


January 2011 results

February 2011 results

March 2011 results
** accidently overwrote this posting and had to reconstitute Sad smile

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