Friday, December 30, 2011

Poker: 2011 - end of year results


It’s funny when you read back your own end of year musings for last year and actually remember what you had set out to achieve for the current year…. maybe this time I’ll print it out so I don’t forget Smile

I have been trying to treat my Poker like a business this year, so have been doing monthly summaries so lets take a look at my overall financial results for 2011…..

Overall results for the year 2011 are:

  • Pokerstars : -$634.98 (-£411.86)
  • Black Belt Poker : -$1499.14 (-£972.37)
  • Live Play : +£2974.67

Total £1590.44 profit for the year :)

The live games were obviously great for me this year.  I played 15 tournaments and 3 live cash game session.    The tournaments included UKIPT Brighton where I cashed, but also cashed in 4 other events and made profit in all 3 cash sessions.  Biggest single cash was winning a £50 rebuy at my local casino.

PokerStars results

Until the last couple of months, Pokerstars was really just being used for "fun" small stakes, mostly 8 game STT.    In September I started experimenting with 8 Game cash, but then started taking it seriously from November.  

Cash results (-$56.00 overall)

8 Game  +$153.30
NL HE   -$206.30
Razz    -$  3.00

Tournament Results (-$578.98 loss overall)

5x  MTT   -$9.80 
8x SCOOP events or Satellites  -$59.89
58x  8 Game STT   +$12.84
18x  NL HE STT  -$52.67

UKIPT Brighton Satellites   -£106.50 loss  (-$164.20)
EPT London Satellites       -£198.00 loss  (-$305.26)

The cash results are pretty pleasing, especially as I'm still a beginner at the 8 Game cash tables... Ignoring the Satellites, my tournament results are pretty OK as well.   I managed to cash in one of my SCOOP attempts as well (

Black Belt Poker results

Black Belt Poker has been my main focus this year.

Cash Results (-£1233.75 loss overall)

NLHE ($0.50) 11187 hands (143 hours)      -£331.11
PL HE ($0.50) 283 hands (3 hours)         -£ 37.62
NLHE ($1.00) 867 hands (14 hours)         -£223.48
PL Omaha ($0.20) 5685 hands (95 hours)    -£212.42
PL Omaha ($0.50) 2996 hands (46 hours)    -£ 43.61
PL Omaha HL ($0.20) 1510 hands (25 hours) -£116.34
PL Omaha HL ($0.50) 710 hands (11 hours)  -£110.94
PL Omaha HL ($1.00) 304 hands (5 hours)   -£158.23

Compared to last year there is an improvement, albeit with a lot less hours of play and different emphasis this year.  In the NLHE 50, I've gone from -£2.75 loss per hour last year to -£2.30 loss per hour this year :)  

The cash results are not really a surprise, but do feel my NLHE 50 and PLO 50 are heading in the right direction now.  PLO8 definitely needs more work but can accept the losses for longer term enjoyment of the game.

For the last three months, my cash results are:
NLHE 50  +£0.074 per hand
PLO 50       -£0.006 per hand
PLO8  50    -£0.163 per hand

Tournament Results (+£261.36 profit overall)

95x MTT         +£277.12
84x 2 seat  STT  -£88.73
98x 6 seat  STT  +£60.79
89x 10 seat STT  +£51.28
3 x other   STT  -£39.10

My tournament results are overall pleasing, but slightly surprising as I thought my 2 seat game was about break even. Checking in more detail, I found I had won 43 and lost 42 with the monetary difference being due to the different stakes I've played (i.e. I was losing more games at higher stakes and winning more at lower level)  Obviously need to review my 2 seat STT strategies and try to improve my results there.  

Its interesting that compared to last year, there is a huge difference in profit for 6 seater STT (was +£314 last year) but 10 seat STT and MTT are comparable to last year.

Here is my Sharkscope chart for BBP STT only. 


For the last three months, my tournament ROI results are:
MTT   : 45%
2 Seat STT :  72%
6 seat STT  : 138%
10 seat STT: 72%

Achieving my goals for this year

My “business” objectives for 2011 were to:
*  Keep to my Poker Plan
The plan did change, but have more or less achieved what I set out to do

*  Continue with my tournament play as is
More or less did this, although my volume was a little lower than hoped for.
*  Play max of two cash tables for NL HE $0.50/0.25 and aim for break even month on month
I am playing 2 tables of NLHE 50 but not yet breaking even month on month.   Having said that, the last few months have been OK so hope this is achievable
*  Use learning tools and other resources to learn and improve my Omaha and O8 cash games, aiming to break even by end of 2011 at $0.20/0.10 level (also max of two tables)
I am playing 2 tables PLO 50 and one table PLO8 50 as well now.  PLO is looking good the last few months, but PLO8 is not there yet.
*  Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
It was tempting but managed to avoid the mini-grading this year :)
*  Win a BBP league :-)
Came close once, but not done it yet

2012 objectives

Looking forward to Poker in 2012, what do I want to achieve ?
*  Keep to my revised Poker Plan
*  Play BBP London Live and UKIPT Brighton tournaments
*  Aim for break even month on month on all cash tables
*  Use learning tools and resources to learn and improve my NLHE, Omaha and PLO8 cash and tournament play
*  Avoid entering any BBP grading process !
*  Win a BBP league :-)

So that’s it for another Poker year, but I’m keen to get started on the next one.   Happy New Year to everyone and hope you have a good 2012.

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