Friday, April 10, 2009

Poker : SCOOP 8 game event result

I really enjoy the 8 game format so have been immensely looking forward to this SCOOP event ever since I managed to satellite through to the event

Despite there only being $25'000 guarantee there ended up being 2'178 players and a very generous payout to the top 50 players

There are only 6 players to a table, so quickly determined that the player to my right was solid/tight/aggressive, the player to my left and player opposite were complete idiots in all games except hold'em, and the other two were very tight so was difficult to get a read on them (but at least I knew they were very tight)

With the poor play of the other players, who were in most pots, I was feeling pretty comfortable and built up from the 5'000 starting stack to around 7'000 in a couple of rounds (the games were changing every 10 mins)     Then the terrible player to my left got a bit lucky in Stud and despite showing 6-4-6 actually had another 6 and 4 hidden so took me to the cleaners with his Full House as my 2 pair improved to a flush so thought I was ahead.  I was still left with around 5'300 chips at this stage so nothing much to worry about

Later on I had a great draw in the 7-2 triple draw but despite only needing one card in all three draws ended up with A high and my opponent had a K high to take a large pot !  

The Omaha pot limit crippled me as I kept getting decent starting hands but there was a lot of aggression from the poor players pre-flop so was calling them and not hitting the flop... not even a dodgy draw so had to give up the hand.   

At the break I was 1'501 out of 1'965 remaining players and 3'737 chips to the 5'541 average so not in great shape, although not bad enough to panic yet

Unfortunately for me my cards played tricks on me and kept being drawn in by good starting hands which didn't improve and was soon down to under 1000 chips with the blinds going up to 100 in the hold'em round.   Ironically my last hand was Q-5 on the BB which was un-raised so was happy to see Q-J-9 flop as I was already pot committed   My opponent had J-9 of course, so that sealed my fate and was out in 1'859th place after 85 minutes play

Not a great result and was very disappointed.  Overall there was not a lot I would have done different and felt I played the cards and the players fairly well.   The terrible player to my left had got very lucky on more than one occasion, (not just against me) which was where a lot of my chips ended up going.     I could have played tighter in the early rounds and would probably have lasted longer but in the end you have got to play your cards when you get them.

I have one more SCOOP event to play tonight, which is the No Limit  Hold'em so one more chance to cash in.  Let's hope I get more luck this time !

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