Friday, July 29, 2011

Poker: Financial results for July 2011

July was a bit disjointed due to my Brighton UKIPT trip, but I’m not complaining !


My June results had been a bit disappointing overall but despite my best intentions at the end of June, didn’t really do any catching up on my learning activities that I’d planned in July either ! 


My monthly targets are:
- Play 1000 hands of cash on NLHE $0.50, 1000 cash hands on PLO $0.20 and 500 cash hands of PLO8 $0.20 (all 6-max) with profit target of 2 BB per hour. ($16.00 for NLHE, $6.40 for PLO, $3.20 for PLO8 = $25.60 per month)
- Play 20 STT hoping for 10% ROI (around $20 per month)


Overall results for the month:-

Pokerstars :    -$3.38 (normal play)
                       :   -£33.00 (EPT satellites)
Black Belt Poker: +$52.04 (+£32.50)
Live play  :  +£750.00

The live results were a £10 overall profit from Farnborough Club, but most from my UKIPT Brighton trip   Obviously can’t rely on a big live tournament cash every month, so although I’m over the moon about my result, it is a rare and lucky big win for me.  Hopefully I will be able to have another crack at EPT or UKIPT, although might have to wait until next year!

My Pokerstars results consisted of 7x STT of 8 game, with one win and one second place, plus one try at EPT Satellite for London.  I’ve decided to allocate £200 to try and qualify for EPT, so fingers crossed for that attempt Smile

My BBP results break down as follows:

  • Cash results (+£42.35 profit overall)

NL Holdem ($0.50)  1224 hands   +£34.48
PL Omaha  ($0.20)   568 hands   +£ 7.87

  • Tournament Results (-£9.85 loss overall)

7x MTT             +£24.93
1x 2 seat STT   -£12.89 
2x 6 seat STT   +£ 4.40
8x 10 seat STT -£26.29


I am able to hit my NL HE target number of hands in one session, so was able to do that this month and was pretty pleased with my play overall.    

Am also pretty happy with my play on PLO but am still having one or two blow-up hands where I do something stupid and drop a buy-in which I then spend the rest of the session trying to recover from .     I just need to concentrate more and avoid these silly mistakes.   

The tournaments were again pretty low volume, but again am overall happy with my play.   As with my cash play however, I also sometimes have the odd blow-up on a hand, especially if the other player is pretty loose.   I think it may be something I have to sit and think about more afterwards (if I do it again!)

As with the June, I was again struggling to get a consistent playing routine with everything else going on….


August should be a more “normal” month so hope to get back to my normal playing routine for the first four weeks at least.  (I know already that September will be hosed)

Having said that, I am going to be trying to qualify for EPT with at least another 5 MTT Satellite games during August/September and also the WCOOP satellites have started so may get distracted there to !  

On top of all that, I still need to spend some of my “Poker time” catching up on self-learning as I have put this to one side the last few months !

It’s going to be busy, but hopefully will manage to organise my time to fit it all in.


January 2011 results
February 2011 results
March 2011 results
April 2011 results
May 2011 results
June 2011 results

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