Sunday, July 05, 2009

Poker : mid year report

Having been reminded about my objectives for this year when writing my previous post, I thought it a good time to review my main objective for this year, which is to break even in my day-to-day online game

On re-reading my end of 2008 musings, I realised  that I am veering off my intended route a little bit, but overall am keeping to my strategy

So far this year, I have managed to be more strict with myself on my Bankroll Management Strategy, but this at least has resulting in less violent swings in my fortunes.  

At the end of May I was down on the year, due to one very poor day in January, which was the only time I really ignored by Bankroll strategy as well….   just goes to show….  Luckily for me, June was an excellent month with a couple of really good results, which has really given me a great chance to achieve my desire of at leave break even this year as I am now up $200   

Whilst I am not really all that worried about it (as it is still a cheap hobby for me) I really believe my game is better than my results and think most of my “leaks” have historically been due to playing at a level over my bankroll and getting involved in too many “new” games, like the HORSE and 8 game.

This year however, I am determined to keep within my bankroll and am now comfortable with the games I play (I often win the 8 game or HORSE games….) so just need to keep my discipline and get lucky :-)

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