Sunday, January 17, 2010

Poker : Black Belt Poker - Grading Selection week


In my last update I mentioned that the idea behind Black belt Poker (BBP) is to upgrade your status by gaining higher level “belts”   Ordinarily you do this through playing lots of Poker and gaining points, however there is also the occasional opportunity to accelerate this process by participating in a Grading Selection Week.    The top 50 players from this week go through to a full grading process, with the main objective being to gain higher belt status and funding to play live events

orange_belt_icon I am currently an Orange Belt level, so  decided to give the Grading a go, so am eagerly looking forward to starting the Grading Selection week from tomorrow (Monday).  

It will be tough, as I don’t really have a big enough bankroll to cope with a big downswing, but thought would give it a shot.  Unfortunately I don’t have enough free time to play the Single Table Tournaments (STT) as this stipulates 120 table hours, so am having to play the Cash Tables, as this is “only” 80 table hours of play during the week.  

Its not quite as bad as it sounds, in that the suggestion is to play 4 cash tables at once, so only 20 hours elapsed time is needed.   I have cleared it with the missus, so hope to play 4 hours a day Mon-Fri but will also have the weekend to make up any time  if needed…. so assuming I don’t run out of money, I will at least have the time to take up this challenge.

I will update this blog as often as possible during the week to track progress, but certainly will summarise at the end of the process

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